The platform where everything begins. WebPrice gives you an overview of e-commerce, with detail information about the online market prices, published offers, and products. So, you can set your strategy based on true and current data.
We collect, store and process online market data from open sources. Which means that everything sold on the internet can be captured and shown through a dashboard in an organized way that exhibits the e-commerce, the prices, designs, ways of announcement, brands rankings and several other comparisons between your company and the competition.
Control your suggested retail price.
Identify where your competitors are selling and you still are not.
Quickly find out the availability of your products at your retail customers.
Monitor your market and competitors through perfect matching of products by categories.
Identify the best product mix to invest in.
New business opportunities by monitoring all brands in the market.
Increase your profit margin and still remain competitive.
Analyse what products you sell exclusively.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat ex nec dui eleifend sollicitudin. Cras volutpat neque
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat ex nec dui eleifend sollicitudin. Cras volutpat neque
We are a product from WebGlobal, a company focused in intelligent technology solutions through Big Data, capturing market data, transforming into information and generate results for most varied sizes of business segments.
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